Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here are some common objections, not only about internet marketing, but small business in general:

"Advertising costs a lot of money, you have to buy newspaper ads, billboards or late-night TV spots to reach people. You never know it it’s going to work unless you can spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. And even then it’s a gamble- look at Coke Classic."

"How can a “little guy” ever do it without losing his shirt?"

"And how can any business be started with “little or no money”, unless it’s a scam?"

Whether applied online or off, these facts are true:

Discovering what to sell, and who to sell it to, is the first step in any business venture. Skip this step, or do it wrong, and you are throwing your money away.

However, market research done “off-line”, or through conventional means not using the internet, IS expensive and time consuming. To do it effectively is usually beyond the “little guy”, so he has to gamble and take a shot. He may or may not be successful.

In his free book, Stephen Pierce does a brilliant job of explaining how market research is done online.

He explains how to find EXACTLY what a relatively small segment of society (a “micro-niche”) is looking for online, exactly what they are interested in purchasing or finding out more about.

Best of all he explains how this is done in a matter of an hour or two, and can be done by anyone with a computer and an internet connection.

Market research is one of the main reasons why most small business start-ups have to spend so much money to begin with. Done online, the cost becomes almost non-existent, which is why starting an online marketing and sales business can be done for little or no money.

Would you benefit from your wife/parents/friends knowing THIS?

1 comment:

Dana Lee said...

OMG..I got a google alert. This is Dana..Mike wow, I was just thinking of you last night. my email is
I am so happy to see you looking well and involved in something you seem to have a passion for. If I dont hear from you :(, please give Dee my love.